Seafoam Chalcedony and Pearls


20” Necklace with Earrings and 7” Bracelet


When I saw these captivating stones in my favorite dealer’s store, I thought to myself, “Fakes, of course”. The allure of this Caribbean color is easy to mimic in glass but extremely expensive in a gemstone and this price was not as high as I expected. So I examined them very carefully, something I could not have done on-line and where the image’s color is usually not right either. Hmmmm, “No mold marks and they are not all the same exact shape. And what’s this??? An inclusion, a spot! Either this is the real thing, or somebody with a lot of money and time went to a lot of trouble to make a perfect imposter”. I immediately bought two strands of the larger size and one of the smaller.

Just holding the stones and gazing at the color mesmerizes me. “What shall I put with them that will harmonize with their siren song? Shall I do one design with both sizes and one with only the larger ones? How long should the necklaces be? Will even one of the smaller stones be too heavy for an earring?” These and more questions are the type of design problems that artists face when creating, each solution subject to amendment along the way or even to the decision to start over from scratch. Whatever medium used, a long series of answers about adding to, taking away or modifying is what defines the creative process, I believe. Think about a writer or a sculptor, an architect or a software designer, a clown or a choreographer, a chef or songwriter; it is always the same questioning and answering. Right?


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